TCF CFC-CSRF FINAL Joint Press Release 2023 08 17

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TCF CFC-CSRF FINAL Joint Press Release 2023 08 17

Together, the Coquitlam Foundation, Port Coquitlam Community Foundation and the Port Moody Foundation delivers $831,500 to 13 community service organizations through the Government of Canada’s Community Services Recovery Fund

Today, the Coquitlam Foundation, Port Coquitlam Community Foundation and the Port Moody Foundation are pleased to announce $831,500 in funding to support 13 organizations in the Tri-Cities through the Government of Canada’s Community Services Recovery Fund. The Community Services Recovery Fund is a one-time investment of $400 million to help community service organizations (charities, non-profits, Indigenous governing bodies) adapt, modernize, and be better equipped to improve the efficacy, accessibility, and sustainability of the community services that they provide through the pandemic recovery and beyond.

The following projects are being supported in the Tri-cities:

    • $99,000 was invested to fund Access Youth outreach Services Society for Project Life Preserver
    • $49,000 was invested to fund Burquest Jewish Community Association for Digital Transformation & Data Capacity
    • $56,000 was invested to fund Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society for New Website, Part-Time Community Outreach, Improve Online Program Access
    • $115,000 was invested to fund Do What U Luv for Digital Transformation & Data Capacity
    • $19,800 was invested to fund Fraser North Community Volunteer Connections Society for Investment in Equipment, IT/Digital Infrastructure and Physical Space
    • $99,060 was invested to fund Hope for Freedom for IT Systems and Processes – Modernization and Resilience
    • $88,100 was invested to fund Kinsight Community Society for Streamlining Information Processes and Organizational Accounting System
    • $64,730 was invested to fund New View Society for Modernization – Organization Planning, Case Management and Security Investments
    • $61,100 was invested to fund Port Coquitlam Heritage and Cultural Society for Post-COVID Strategic Planning
    • $41,900 was invested to fund Port Moody Arts Centre Society for Developing their Human Resources and Financial Systems
    • $18,700 was invested to fund Société Place Maillardville Society for Fundraising Marketing Plan & Package
    • $98,000 was invested to fund the Talitha Koum Society for Family Enhancement Community Integration Project
    • $21,110 was invested to fund the Trinity United Church for Technological Advancement


Community service organizations are at the forefront of addressing communities’ needs. Since the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, they have struggled with increased demand for their services, reduced revenues, declines in charitable giving due to the rising cost of living, and a greater need to make use of digital tools. Many organizations are struggling to recover and adapt their services to the changing needs of the Tri-Cities.

For more information, visit the Community Services Recovery Fund website. For more information on The Coquitlam Foundation, Port Coquitlam Community Foundation, and the Port Moody Foundation, you can visit our websites or contact us at [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]


Community service organizations are at the heart of communities like Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam and Port Moody creating a sense of belonging from coast to coast to coast. The Community Services Recovery Fund will enable organizations that serve our diverse communities to adapt and modernize their programs and services and to invest in the future of their organizations, staff and volunteers. Together, we can rebuild from the isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic and build a more just and equitable future for those in the Tri-Cities.
Jenna Sudds, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development

The three Foundations were proud to work collaboratively to ensure an equitable distribution of funds to local organizations in the Tri-Cities.
John Wolff – Chair, Coquitlam Foundation

The impact these organizations make are felt in our communities and across the Tri-Cities as these funds assist in building strong communities .
Dawn Becker – Chair, Port Coquitlam Community Foundation

“The funds invested enable greater strength and resilience for non-profit organizations that are a critical backbone for community development and wellbeing.”

Robert Simons – President, Port Moody Foundation

Quick Facts:

  • The Community Services Recovery Fund is a one-time investment of $400 million by the Government of Canada to help Community Service Organizations, charities, non-profits and Indigenous governing bodies located in Canada.
  • Now more than ever, community service organizations play a key role in addressing complex social problems faced by many communities across Canada.
  • From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, community service organizations across Canada have shown impressive stamina and creativity in their response to the diverse and increasingly challenging needs of their communities.
  • The Community Services Recovery Fund responds to what community service organizations need right now and supports them as they adapt to the long-term impacts of the pandemic.
  • As community service organizations across Canada work to support recovery in their communities, the CSRF will help them adapt and modernize their operations to grow their impact.
  • The Government of Canada is delivering the CSRF through three National Funders (Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada, United Way Centraide Canada). The Funders are distributing funding to eligible community service organizations, including charities, non-profits, and Indigenous governing bodies, providing services in communities across Canada.
  • The Government of Canada supports a more inclusive model of economic growth, one that creates opportunities for everyone in Canada, as the long-term recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

Associated Links

Community Services Recovery Fund Website

About the Community Services Recovery Fund (ESDC)


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